martes, 28 de julio de 2015

Off The Well Worn Path - Asher Pacey

Off The Well Worn Path - Asher Pacey from Desillusion Magazine on Vimeo.

Asher Pacey is one humble dude both in and out the water. Growing up without electricity and learning to survive off the land probably helped in that respect. It's clear Asher values the small things in life that most people take for granted. Filmmaker Matt Kleiner brings us a unique insight into the mind of one of the stylish and respectful surfers out there today.

Directed by Matt Kleiner

Supported by Rhythm

This short film is based on the article "Off The Well Worn Path", published in Desillusion Magazine 49, Volume 1.
Available here:


'La Guerre Des Sept Ans'
by Benoit Pioulard

'Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)'
by Terry Reid

'Missiles Reprise'
by The War On Drugs

'No Werewolf'
by Allah-Las

'Slow Talkers'
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